The Journal seeks original manuscripts with empirical and quantitative
research in the humanities and social sciences, Book reviews, articles
and methodological studies of between5000 to 8000 words.Authors
can send their articles by mail to The Journal Prefers
the Chicago Manual of Style 17th Edition with footnotes and not end
notes. A full referencing guide is available on our website at
The AIPGG Journal of Humanities and Peace Studies is a bi-annual
peer reviewed publication of the Adeboye Institute for Peace and
Good governance at the Redeemer’s University Ede. The Journal
seeks to curate highly valued research work in Humanities and peace
studies and make them available to a wide interdisciplinary
spectrum of academics. Its focuses on finding the synergy between
Various disciplines in the Humanites/social sciences and the study of
peace and good governance.
ISSN: 2756-5823 (PRINT)
ISSN: 2756-5831 (ONLINE)